New Signs Explain Stonehouse and Agroforesty Demo Farm
By Barb Gausman, Volunteer Curious about the Stonehouse Visitors’ Center and Agroforestry Demonstration Farm at Silverwood Park? Check out our new signs. The Friends of Silverwood Park are excited to announce…
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Images from Silverwood Park/ESD Summer School Day Camp 2022
2023 is here! Time to plan for the Silverwood Park/Edgerton School District Summer School Day Camp. We need teachers, volunteers, and of course, students. Here are a few highlights…
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Youth Pollinator Garden
Love berries, apples, tomatoes, sunflower seeds and melons? Support pollinators! According to the website WisconsinPollinators.com, “Approximately three-quarters of the world’s major food crops require or benefit…
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New at the Park: Monarch Waystation Designation for Pollinator Gardens
Monarch butterflies are invaluable in plant pollination throughout North and Central America. And they are in trouble. The milkweeds and nectar sources they feed on have been declining due…
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Why We Love and Protect Our Pollinators
Long ago, this part of Wisconsin was covered in tallgrass prairies and oak savannas. The Native Americans who lived here would have known every plant and how to use…
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2021 Regenerative Agriculture Field Day at Silverwood Park
August 15 dawned sunny and cool—perfect for a Field Day. Historically, a Field Day is a rural “trade show” where equipment is on display and speakers share agricultural information….
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A Successful Silverwood Summer School, Thanks to Edgerton Community Fund
The mission of Silverwood Park includes K-12 agricultural education. The beauty of summer school classes at Silverwood is the opportunity to dig into the soil and learn from the…
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Meet Master Gardener Ruth Flescher
Edgerton School District’s Summer School programs at Silverwood Park have an expert gardener on hand—Ruth Flescher, Master Gardener Volunteer. Ruth grew up in Madison, one of ten children who enjoyed…
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Silverwood Receives a SARE Grant
Educational programming at Silverwood Park recently received a boost from the federal USDA in the form of a Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Grant. The Friends of Silverwood Park…
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