Silverwood Volunteers Recognized with INVADER CRUSADER Award
The Wisconsin Invasive Species Council and the WI Department of Natural Resources presented 13 awards or recognitions on Wed, June 7th at Wisconsin’s 19th Annual INVADER CRUSADER AWARDS. The…
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Woods Restoration Work–Fall 2022 Update
On October 1st, our woods crew met with our Dane CountyParks advisors, Botanist/Naturalist…
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Youth Pollinator Garden
Love berries, apples, tomatoes, sunflower seeds and melons? Support pollinators! According to the website WisconsinPollinators.com, “Approximately three-quarters of the world’s major food crops require or benefit…
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New at the Park: Monarch Waystation Designation for Pollinator Gardens
Monarch butterflies are invaluable in plant pollination throughout North and Central America. And they are in trouble. The milkweeds and nectar sources they feed on have been declining due…
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Silverwood Park woods and buildings were damaged in the Big Windstorm of June 15 ’22
Two of the most-photographed structures in the Silverwood Park farmstead were victims of the big storm on June 15th. The linear corn crib was completely toppled. The wire corn…
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Restoring our Oak Savanna Serves Silverwood Park’s Goals
If you’ve hiked the trails through Silverwood…
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Why We Love and Protect Our Pollinators
Long ago, this part of Wisconsin was covered in tallgrass prairies and oak savannas. The Native Americans who lived here would have known every plant and how to use…
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