Day 6
Tracy and Kevin Prill and Eric Johnson shared details of being apiarists or beekeepers. Tracy presented a Powerpoint on the types and life of bees, Kevin demonstrated the workings of a hive, and Eric opened his hive and allowed students to look (from a safe distance) at what the honeycombs look like.
Students also learned about the benefits of bees as pollinators for gardens and agriculture as well as ways to improve habitat for bees.
A review of the sustainability poster lead to a discussion of ways that students in this course are practicing or highlighting sustainable and regenerative practices, including: No-till, integrated pest management, composting, cover crops, and diversification of plants.
Summer School 2021 Navigation
- Summer 2021: Overview
- Day One: Student outcomes
- Day Two: Master Gardener/vermiculture
- Day Three: Agroecologist
- Day Four: Food Preservation
- Day Five: Farrier
- Day Six: Beekeepers
- Day Seven: Microbes/chickens
- Day Eight: Forrester/Monarchs
- Day Nine: Chickens/Food Print/Compost
- Day Ten: CSA/Market Grower
- Day Eleven: Rainy Day
- Day Twelve: Kayaking/Fishing
- Day Thirteen: Apples/Water Testing
- Day Fourteen: Mushrooms/Food from Harvest
- Day Fifteen: Presentations/Assessments
- Garden to Harvest@Silverwood
Welcome to Silverwood Park
Park Hours: 5:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Silverwood News
- Candlelight Hike Jan 25th January 14, 2025
- Candlelight Hike Postponed January 14, 2025
- Candlelight Hike Postponed January 14, 2025
- Grower Profile: LuckySpud July 15, 2024
- Mushroom Inoculation Workshop April 8, 2024