The Silverwood Vision – The Bottom Line
Silverwood Park is a public facility, a demonstration farm, an outdoor classroom and a place to grow…
in more ways than one. The three "pillars" of our vision are below:
Provide educational facilities, job training, and resources for the public, farmers, and youth to learn how food, fuel and fiber are grown processed and distributed.
Provide access to a demonstration farm which offer opportunities for agriculture research to grow crops that have cultural, historical and economic significance.
Support the production of food, fuel and fiber to demonstrate environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity.
Silverwood Park Mission Statement (2013)
Silverwood Park educates the public on the broad and diverse aspects of Wisconsin agriculture – past, present and future. The park celebrates the rich cultural history of agriculture in Dane County as well as demonstrating innovative agricultural practices and land stewardship that sustains the land for future generations.
Park Goals (2013)
1. Connect people with the land, the natural environment, and each other.
2. Provide assistance through land access, technical education, and teachers / mentors.
3. Educate people about current and future practices for raising plants and animals.
4. Maintain a healthy, diverse, and sustainable natural resource.
5. Promote economic, environmental and social sustainability.
6. Increase the economic capacity of Dane County residents through agriculture.
7. Provide facilities which emphasize access, beauty, conservation, health and sustainability.
8. Cultivate a diverse support community for park preservation which maintains the educational intent, protects the natural resources, and incorporates the agricultural history of the farm